Application Programming Interface

Get Snapshot List


This function enables you to get snapshot list. The snapshot list will be limited up to 100 records per request, divided into multipe pages (record sets). You can set the limit and the page. If you are reseller, we recommend you to store snapshot list in your own database for faster retrieval.

  • Sandbox URL:
  • Real API URL:
Request Parameters:
Parameter Required Type Max Length Description
client_ip_address Yes String 20 Public IP address (v4) which is allowed to access for a given time specified in "snapshot_url_expires" output parameter. For example:
records_per_page No Integer 3 digits Minimum: 10 records per page.
Maximum: 100 records per page.
Default: 20 records per page.
page No Integer 10 digits If the provided value is greater than max available pages, the max pages will be applied. Default is 1.
sorted_by No String 25 characters Available options:
  • snapshot_size_ascending
  • snapshot_size_descending
  • snapshot_add_time_ascending
  • snapshot_add_time_descending (default)
ownership No String 6 characters Available options:
  • all (default)
  • owner
  • shared
snapshot_status No String 10 characters Available options:
  • all
  • processing
  • active (default)
  • deleted
snapshot_cycle No String 10 characters Available options:
  • all (default)
  • manual
  • daily
  • weekly
  • monthly
server_id No String 20 characters If server ID is supplied, only snapshot from the server will be retrieved.
JSON Response:
    "code"    : "OK",
    "message" : "",
    "data"    : {
        "total_records"    : 100,
        "records_per_page" : 20
        "total_pages"      : 5,
        "page"             : 1,
        "records"          : {
            "0" : {
                "snapshot_id"          : "adhjgahdad",
                "server_id"            : "12345",
                "server_label"         : "My Server One",
                "snapshot_name"        : "gashgajshgjahsdad.disk",
                "snapshot_add_time"    : "2016-09-20 00:00:12",
                "snapshot_end_time"    : "2016-09-30 13:59:50",
                "snapshot_cycle"       : "manual",
                "snapshot_status"      : "deleted",
                "snapshot_size"        : 1.5,
                "snapshot_url"         : "",
                "snapshot_url_expires" : 1483728440
            "1" : {
                "snapshot_id"          : "hjagsdjhg89",
                "server_id"            : "12345",
                "server_label"         : "My Server One",
                "snapshot_name"        : "hjasgdjuasujqk.disk",
                "snapshot_add_time"    : "2016-09-10 00:00:12",
                "snapshot_end_time"    : "",
                "snapshot_cycle"       : "daily",
                "snapshot_status"      : "active",
                "snapshot_size"        : 3.2,
                "snapshot_url"         : "",
                "snapshot_url_expires" : 1483728440

XML Response:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
            <server_label>My Server One</server_label>
            <snapshot_add_time>2016-09-20 00:00:12</snapshot_add_time>
            <snapshot_end_time>2016-09-30 13:59:50</snapshot_end_time>
            <server_label>My Server One</server_label>
            <snapshot_add_time>2016-09-10 00:00:12</snapshot_add_time>
PHP Example:
$url      = "";
//$url    = "";
$user_id  = "12312";
$API_key  = "hasdh6ghvhgFDa454565jasdbNBS";
$random   = rand(10000,99999).uniqid().rand(100000,999999);
$checksum = sha1(sha1(sha1($user_id.$API_key.$random)));
$data = array(
    "user_id"            => $user_id,
    "random"             => $random,
    "format"             => "json",
    "checksum"           => $checksum,
    "client_ip_address"  => "",
    "records_per_page"   => 30,
    "page"               => 1,
    "sorted_by"          => "snapshot_size_descending"
$ch = curl_init($url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 20);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($data));
$output = curl_exec($ch);
$curl_error = curl_errno($ch);
if ($curl_error){
    echo "Unable to connect to API Server.";
} else {
    $outputArray = json_decode($output,true);
    if (!$outputArray){
        echo "Invalid JSON Format";
    } else {
        if ($outputArray["code"] == "OK"){
            // Do what you want to do here if OK
        } else {
            echo "Error Message: ".$outputArray["message"];
            // Do what you want to do here if not OK